martes, 26 de octubre de 2010

Summary #5 Surviving in the Ecosystem

Animals are important because they control the population. Like, with frogs there were many insect or if there is no lions there were many deers.There are many animals that adapt like the polar bear in cold places. He adapts with his skin, his claws, the clouds and many others. If he will be in Panama he will die. That is the same with the camel if he will go to antartida he will die. But the only animal that an be adapted in all places is the human. The human doesn't have skin or fingernails that is use to be adapted but we have one thing intelligence.Now were going     to talk about symbiosis. Symbiosis is oraganism relating for a long time.Symbiosis is divded in three. Parasitism, Mutualism and commensalism. Parasitisim is One organism benefits and the other harms.One example is the flea nad the dog. The flea benefits and the dog harms. Another example is the plant and coling dobber plant. The coiling dobber plant benefits and the plant harms. Mutalism is Both oraganism benefits.One example is the yucca tree and the yucca months. The yucca month help the yucca tree to reproduce.Commensalism is one organism benefits and the other does not harms. One example is the orchid and the trees.

Summary # 4 - Cycles of Life

There are many cycle. But the more importants are water cycle, carbon cycle, and nitrogen cycle. The water cycle begins with evaporation. Next with condesation that includes precipitation also . Then the freezing. Finally the evaporation again. The carbon cycle includes the living things and some gases. The persons , fire and cars give to the plants CO2 and the plants need it to grow. And the plants give us HO2 for survive. Finally we hhave the nitrogen cycle. It begins with the atmosphere . Then it goes to the soil that  creates the ammonia the the nitrites and finally the nitrates. After we start over. The nitrogen is the more necesary of the gases.

lunes, 18 de octubre de 2010

summary #3 - Food chain and Food web

Food chain is energy and Food web is eating.In Food chain start with the sun then with a leaf . After with a worm. Next with a chicken. Then with the human. And finally with a bacteria. The more powerful of all. Now the food Web. We have a tree ( producer) , a Jiraffe( consumer 2 class Herbivorous) , a Leon ( cosumer 1 class carnivorous) and a bacteria ( consumer diposed) The leon eats the jiraffe the jiraffe eats the tree( leaves) and the bacteria eats the jiraffe and the lion.

Summary #2 - animals and their enviroment

The ecosystem are divided in two that are biotic and abiotic. Biotic are living things and abotic are non-living things. The biotics are divided the protist, the animals , plants , fungi and bacteria. The abotics are divided in minerals, rocks , air , light , soil ,and  water . The virus are not considered biotics because they have to be in other organism to be alive.

sábado, 16 de octubre de 2010

Summary #1 Energy Resources

Energy resources is about ways of getting energy so we can generate electrical power.
Solar power. that's obvious, but the energy in coal originally came from the sun too.Prehistoric plants stored the sun's energy in their leaves, and when they died they eventually formed coals seams, the energy was still there.So when we burn coal (or any fossil fuel), we're releasing chemical energy that was stored  in plants millions of years ago.
The same goes for wind and wave power.Waves occur because of winds, and winds blow because the sun warms our atmosphere.Warm airs tends to rise, and winds are due to other air moving in to replace it.
Most power stations burn coal, oil or natural gas to run the generators.Others use uranium, or the flow of water. Electricity is sent around the country using high-voltage power lines. Nearly all of the power we use comes from large power sations, altough some places such as isolated farms, or hospitals, have their own diesel generators.